Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Friday, May 06, 2005

now for the prosaic.

born in a night, to perish in a night? i'm drugstruck.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

in five months

Esprit, pure white and cleverly deconstructed, lost on a cab --- 69
Grab, white with green motifs and darted seams, love of my life --- 129
Grab, mulberry and mint, perforated randomly down one front --- 119
Collage, purple corduroy, shrunken-fitted with flared collars --- 45
edc by Esprit, olive velour, embroidered applique across chest --- 99.50
Levis, corduroy-denim hybrid in chartreuse and dark grey from sheena --- love and persuasion
Inc., soft cream velour-cotton hybrid, ragged edges --- 50

the amounts i spend on warmth.